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"In Montana, the Art of Crafting Fly-Fishing Rods," The New York Times

"Can Montana's Smith River Survive a Nearby Mine?", Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"A Rookie's Road Trip Through Montana, Wyoming & Idaho," Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"Big Sky is Sprawling, Luxurious and Pricey," The New York Times

"52 Places To Go," The New York Times

"How Crowded Are America's National Parks?" The New York Times

Montana's Fishtail General Store, The New York Times

Fishtail General Store, writer + photographer, The New York Times

Fishtail General Store, writer + photographer, The New York Times

Montana's Fishtail General Store, The New York Times

Montana's Fishtail General Store, The New York Times

Montana's Fishtail General Store, The New York Times

Montana's Fishtail General Store, The New York Times

Fishtail General Store, writer + photographer, The New York Times

"A Slice of Big Sky Country That You Won't Find on Yellowstone," The New York Times, Writer and Photographer, 2023

On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West, The New York Times, Cover story, Travel section

"Montana's Most In-Demand Kitchen...," The New York Times

"A Rookie's Road Trip Through Montana, Wyoming & Idaho," Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"A Rookie's Road Trip Through Montana, Wyoming & Idaho," Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"In Montana, the Art of Crafting Fly-Fishing Rods," The New York Times

"In Montana, the Art of Crafting Fly-Fishing Rods," The New York Times

"Voices From the Front Lines of America's Food Supply," The New York Times

"52 Places To Go In 202," The New York Times, Travel section

"Where a River Still Runs Through It", Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"This Bike Trail is Stunning..." Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"This Bike Trail is Stunning..." Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"In North Dakota, Boom, Bust and Oil, " Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"Rafting Through the Grand Canyon in Vintage Style," The New York Times, Travel section

"On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West," The New York Times, Cover Story, Travel section

On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West, The New York Times, Cover story, Travel section

"This Bike Trail is Stunning..." Cover Story, Travel, The New York Times

"A Muslim-American's Homecoming," The New York Times, Travel section, Cover Story

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